In the past I have supervised students at all levels of their studies, including 3rd and 4th year undergraduate research projects and NSERC USRA projects, MA theses and MA survey papers, research papers for Financial Engineering Diploma and PhD dissertations. You can see my CV for detailed information about my current and past students.
I'm always looking for motivated students who want to do research in mathematics. An ideal student would have a solid background in pure (preferred) or applied mathematics, would enjoy complex and/or numerical analysis and would want to learn how to apply these tools to solving both applied and theoretical problems in stochastic processes, special functions, number theory, mathematical finance and actuarial science. If the above description fits you, please send me an email and I'll tell you more about possible research projects and supervision opportunities.
Note for MA applicants: You do not need a supervisor in order to be admitted to MA program in Mathematics and Statistics (most of our MA students complete the program by coursework). If you were already admitted to our MA program and you are interested in doing MA survey paper, Financial Engineering Diploma research paper or MA thesis under my supervision, please contact me.